Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's day !

Happy Father's day to all the dads out there.

Here is to my wonderful husband and an awesome dad. Painted from a photo shot during one of those rare moments when an independent 8 year old let him hold her hands :-).

Done on a 8 X 10 canvas with Water mixable Oil.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

San Francisco Nights

I love watching skyscrapers at night. Fortunate to live close to this beautiful city - here is San Francisco at night. Lighting up those buildings tooks more time than I anticipated, but I am finally going to call this done. This painting is on a 18X24 canvas with water mixable oils.

Finished painting

Details on the buildings and reflections

More details on the buildings

Details on the water - done with the impressionist brush strokes